Spay & Neuter

When choosing the best value, make sure you know what you are getting.
Not all plans are the same.

Comparing Services

Apples and Apples, or Apples and Oranges?

Consumers often price compare routine surgical services such as spay, neuter, and declaw. Baker House is publishing the cost of those services below for your convenience, but feel it is important to make you aware of what is included in our service at no additional cost, why it is included, and why those services are important. For the health and safety of your pet, please make sure you compare apples to apples before your pet goes “under the knife.”

Included in OUR service and critical for the safety of your pet while under anesthesia:



  • Lab work: Your pet will receive basic lab work which will detect anemia, dehydration, and an overview of kidney function.


  • Intravenous catheter and fluids: The catheter and line allows immediate access to your pet’s blood stream for emergency administration of drugs, and the fluid supports blood volume and blood pressure during surgery.

  • Blood Pressure Monitoring: Baker House utilizes doppler blood pressure monitoring. Doppler is the gold standard for non-invasive blood pressure monitoring. Falling blood pressure is the earliest sign of anesthetic or surgical complications. Careful monitoring of blood pressure allows us to intervene before it is too late. You would not want surgery performed on yourself without blood pressure monitoring, and we recommend you make sure your pet receives it. Click here to view a video of Blood Pressure Monitoring in pets.


  • A trained Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT): At Baker House during anesthesia, a RVT is dedicated to the monitoring of your pet from induction (going under) until recovery (waking up). Blood Pressure, heart monitoring, respiration, and many other parameters are monitored throughout your pet’s anesthesia. Why is this important? You can have all the bells and whistles in the world attached but without someone paying attention they provide no protection.


  • State of the art anesthetic drugs and protocols: The anesthetic agents and protocols at Baker House were set up and reviewed by a board certified veterinary anesthesiologist. The Baker House staff regularly participates in anesthesia continuing education to maintain proficiency and stay abreast of the latest developments in the field.

    Other services included which are charged elsewhere additionally:


  • In hospital and go home pain control included: Your pet will receive state of the art injectable pain control during anesthesia and 3 days worth of go home pain medications.

  • E-Collar: If needed an elizabethan collar is included which protects you pet from licking out his/her sutures.


The Baker House Routine Surgery Costs:


OHE (Spay) Maximum Care up to 50lb:
225.74 (does not include bleeding time test of $50. This may be required for certain breeds)

OHE (Spay) Maximum Care up to 50- 125 lb:
 329.92 (does not include bleeding time test of $50. This may be required for certain breeds)

OHE (Spay) Maximum Care over 125lb:
457.26 (does not include bleeding time test of $50. This may be required for certain breeds)

Neuter Maximum Care up to 50lb:
173.65 (does not include bleeding time test of $50. This may be required for certain breeds)

Neuter Maximum Care up to 50- 125 lb:
214.16 (does not include bleeding time test of $50. This may be required for certain breeds)

Neuter Maximum Care over 125lb:
272.04 (does not include bleeding time test of $40. This may be required for certain breeds)


OHE (Spay) Feline Maximum Care

Neuter Feline Maximum Care

Services or items included in the cost of the above services:
• Catheter Placement and fluids (if needed)
• Rimadyl Injectable(dogs) and/or other necessary Injectable Medications(dogs or cats)
• Pain meds (take home), if needed
• E-Collar (if needed)
• Canine Pre-Anesthesia Lab – PCV, TP and Azo
• Patient monitoring while under anesthesia